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Spike's Scream Page

"Movies Don't Create Psychos,Movies Make Psychos More Creative" --Billy Loomis

You Are The Person To Scream Here.

My Scream Story

I wrote a little story about Scream,so I figured I should put it on a web page for everyone to read. It's not that long really,it might take you 15-30 minutes to read the whole thing,all depending on how fast you read,and if you're paying close attention to figure out who the killer is. If you've never seen the movie before,then you're missing out BIGTIME! Click Here to Buy Scream. Get it today,you won't be sorry!
If you like the story,please E Mail me and let me know! Please do not send me mail saying "that sucked". If you don't like the story,then don't bother mailing me about it!
Now,the moment you've all been waiting for...Click Here To Read Chapter One!

The Scream Script

Thanks to the webmaster at Drew's Script-O-Rama,I have the script to Scream for your reading pleasure. I also have an early draft of Scream 2 to read. Now,on to the scripts!
Click Here For The Script to Scream

Click Here For An Early Draft Of Scream 2
Click Here for the final version of the Scream 2 script

Pictures from Scream

To all who sent me the few pics I have..THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! *s* With that said,on to the pics!

Go To The Scream Picture Page!

Scream 3 News

I joined the Scream Fanclub,so I have some information on Scream 3 for ya. Check it out!

Scream 3 News


Scream Chat

I decided this place needed a chat room,so here it is! You need a Java enabled browser to run it.

Click Here To Chat!


Finally,at long last,The Scream Story! is finished!!! Sorry I didn't finish it sooner,but computer troubles prevented it! I wrote the ending myself. I figured that was fitting since I started it!
I've been getting a lot of feedback about my Scream story! Thanks to all who sent me E mails! I really appreciate the good things you've said about it. For those of you who really enjoyed the story,I think you might like to read some feedback from a guy who hated the story,and went out of his way to insult me over it. I decided not to reply to the jerk. I figured it would be more fun to humiliate him by posting his letter (complete with name and E-mail address) right here on the page! Have fun with him folks! CLICK HERE TO READ THE FLAME MAIL

Wanna Help Me Out?

I want to make this the best Scream site I can. If you have some good pictures of the cast of Scream or Scream 2,and don't mind me using them on my page,then please send them to me! I'll give you credit for sending them to me,and a link to your web page as well.

The Screaming Webpage Award

I decided to create an award for worthy Scream pages out there. Click Here to see what it looks like! After making this award,I finally got an award for this page! The biggest requirement for this award,is if you have an award that you give out to Scream pages,I WANT IT! If you won't give me your award,why should I give you mine? Sound fair? I think so! Anyway,send me your homepage URL's,and I promise to get back to you if you're a winner.

E Mail Me Here:SpikeŽ Visit My Homepage

Awards I Won

Yes!! I finally got an award for this page!! Woo hoo!! They love me!! They really love me!! CHECK IT OUT!

Scream Louder!

I just found a website for a sequel to Scream. It's not the official sequel to Scream. It is a movie totally made by fans of Scream. I think that's really cool,and I will give them my support by posting a link to their page on here.
What really caught my eye on the website,was that they filmed the movie in Florida. Since I live in south Florida,I wish I'd have known sooner about the movie being filmed here,so I could've told all my friends!


Other Scream Pages

Winners of my Award

The Scream Zone...This page has a little bit of everything! It's also the first page to win my award! Check it out!
All About Scream...I really like this page! I can tell it took alot of time to make. The midi file is really cool too.
Wow! You're Still Alive!...Very cool page! Info on both movies!
Father Death's Ultimate Scream Site
Ghost Face's SCREAM Page

Scream Sounds

For those of you looking for Scream sounds,I have found some places to get them! Happy surfing!

Click Here for the first site!
Click Here for more Scream Sounds!

Other Scream Sites

It's a Scream Baby!...This page is one of the best Scream pages out there!
Scream 2-the Website...This site is really informative! Definitely worth a visit!
Jamie Kennedy Fan Club...This guy deserves a fan club! Scream wouldn't be the same without his "rules for surviving"!

Want to buy SCREAM or any other movie?

Check these places out for some GREAT deals!


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