Spike's Scream Story
The intensity grew inside her as she stared at her watch and thought,"Are they EVER going to leave?!" All of a sudden her door opened. It was her mother. She had come to say goodbye to her before leaving. Little did she know,this was the last time she would ever get to talk to her daughter. "We're ready to leave,Jodi." Her mother said with a smile. "Are you sure you'll be allright here all alone?",she said with a concerned look. Jodi said with a confident smile,"I'll be fine,mom. you guys go on and have a good time." Her mother smiled back and said,"Ok. hon,we'll be back around midnight." Then,she left the room.
Jodi peeked out her window,and watched for her parent's car to pull away. "It's about time they left!",she thought to herself. "I'm going to be late if I don't hurry up and get ready.",she thought. As she walked toward her closet to pick out an outfit to wear,she heard the phone ring. "Oh,great...I'll bet it's Larry calling to yell at me for not showing up on time.",she said with a frown. She walked up to the phone and picked it up. "Hello?",she said as she picked up the phone. A strange voice greeted her on the other end. "Hello there.",it said. Jodi got a puzzled look on her face and asked,"Who is this?" "Who is this?",the voice replied back. Jodi got a smile on her face and said,"Very funny Larry! I'm not amused." Then,she hung up the phone. "What a freak.",she thought to herself. "Sometimes I wonder what I see in him." Then,the phone rang again. Jodi picked up the phone and said with a laugh,"Look Larry,I'm not going to get there any faster if you keep calling me. I'm sorry I'm late,my parents didn't leave until like 2 seconds ago." But it wasn't Larry on the phone. It was the same caller as before. "This isn't Larry.",said the caller. "Oh,really?",said Jodi with a smile,"Then just who is this? Oh,let me guess...it's Seymour Butts,right?? No,it's Oliver Clothesoff isn't it!" Jodi started to laugh to herself while she waited for a reply. "Look,this isn't Larry,OK?",said the caller,sounding a little annoyed. "Then who is this?",said Jodi a little puzzled. "Just think of me as a friendly stranger who just wants to talk.",said the voice in a more relaxed tone. Jodi replied,"Look,'Friendly Stranger' or whoever you are,I can't talk right now. I'm getting ready to go out. Catch ya later!" Then,she hung up the phone again.
Almost immediately after she hung up the phone,it rang again. "What's wrong with this person?",she thought,"Don't they understand English?!" She picked up the phone again,and said in an annoyed tone,"Listen you freak" Then,the caller interrupted her and said,"No,YOU listen to ME girlie! Either you do exactly what I say,or you'll be sorry!"...Then in a sarcastic tone,the caller said,"You got that...Jodi??" After hearing her name,Jodi got a little scared,and dropped the phone. She scrambled to grab the phone. In her haste,she accidentally hung up on the caller....again.
The phone rang again. Jodi was almost in tears now. She picked up the phone,and weakly said,"Hello?" "I TOLD you not to hang up on me!",said the caller in an angry tone. Jodi was now desperate to get rid of this lunatic. "I know,I know! I'm sorry! I dropped the phone! Now,what is it you want from me? And how did you know my name?",Jodi said while still shaking with fear. The caller replied in a more relaxed tone,"You'll see." Then,they hung up on her.
Jodi was really getting scared now. Who WAS this freak,and what did they want from her? She decided it would be best to get out of the house. "All I need is to be pestered by that creep all night.",she said sarcastically as she put on a pair of jeans and her favorite blouse. "If that freak comes over,I'm NOT going to be here!",she thought to herself. She wrote a note to her parents saying she would be at Larry's house because some pervert had scared her with his prank calls. As she was walking out the door,the phone rang again. Jodi stopped in her tracks as if she was paralized by the ring. She began to shiver with fear as she slowly picked up the phone. "Hello?",she said in a shaky voice. "Guess who?",said the caller in a sarcastic tone. Jodi was in tears now. "Listen",she said while trying to remain calm,"If you don't stop calling me,I'm going to call the police. You're really scaring me!" The caller just laughed and said,"Go ahead. The police won't come here for you." "Why not?",Jodi whimpered back. "Because I AM the police. I make all the rules.",the caller said in a smug tone,"And if you don't stop hanging up on me,I'll rip your head off and spit down your neck you snotty little slut!" Jodi began to sob uncontrollably. "Why are you doing this?",she whined. "Why?",said the caller,"Because I can! That's why!" The caller began to laugh while Jodi cried. Then the caller said something that made Jodi almost wet her pants. "Today is a good day to die,don't ya think?",the caller said with a sly grin. Then,the caller hung up the phone. "Hello?",Jodi said softly. "HELLO?",she screamed.
Then,Jodi heard a tap at the window. She dropped the phone. She looked up with tears in her eyes to see who was out there. What she saw,was a ghost masked figure holding a cellular phone in one hand,and a butcher knife in the other. Jodi started to scream at the top of her lungs. The figure just stood there and waved to her. "Go away!",Jodi shouted. The freak just shook his head,and dropped the cell phone. Jodi ran to the door,and locked it. She then looked out the window to see where the figure went. All was clear outside. There was no sign of it anywhere. As she was looking out the window,she felt a tap on her shoulder. Jodi knew what was coming next. She slowly turned around,only to be stabbed in the gut. The killer was in the house. He came in through the back door. "If only I had locked the door!",she thought as he stabbed her again and again.
Jodi screamed and kicked the killer in the stomach in an attempt to get him off of her. The freak groaned in pain,and held his stomach. Jodi began to get up to run away,holding her wounds as she struggled to pull herself up. Jodi pulled herself up,and began to run. She didn't run fast enough. The killer had recovered,and began to get up to chase her. Jodi saw him coming,and looked around in a panic trying to find something to hit him with. Suddenly,she remembered that her father kept a gun in the kitchen drawer. Her blood was dripping all over the place. She began to feel a little woozy,but she knew she had to go on. She could hear the killer coming behind her while she struggled to run to the kitchen. She opened the drawer with the gun in it,and took it out. She turned around,and prepared to shoot the freak when he came in. She could barely see through the tears in her eyes,and was nearly unconscious from loss of blood. The freak entered the room. "Stop right there!",Jodi shouted with authority. The freak stopped for a second. "I have a gun,and I know how to use it!",said Jodi. The killer began to slowly come toward her. Jodi pulled the trigger to shoot him,but she missed. "Oh,great",she thought. She tried to shoot him again,but there were no more bullets in the gun. "Oh,no",she thought,"I forgot that Dad only keeps one bullet in this gun!" The killer jumped on her and started to stab her furiously. With her last breath,Jodi said,"Please don't do this!" The freak just ignored her cries,and sliced her head off.
Later that night,Jodi's parents came home. Jodi's mother could tell something was wrong before she even got out of the car. She turned to her husband and said,"I have a bad feeling that something's terribly wrong!" He just laughed,and said,"Oh,honey,what could be wrong? Everything is fine." When they pulled into the driveway,Mrs. Siew's suspicions were confirmed. She began to scream. Mr. Siew nearly wrecked the car. "What it is,Dear?",he said in a panicked tone. She just pointed at their front door,as she burst into tears. "Oh,my God!",said Mr Siew as he looked up to see his daughter's severed head hanging from the door. The rest of her body was gutted,and tossed in a trash can next to the door. In her hand,was the cellular phone that the killer used to call her. Mr. Siew looked at the door,and saw a note taped underneath Jodi's head. The note read "TODAY WAS A GOOD DAY TO DIE".
--The End Of Chapter One. CLICK HERE TO READ CHAPTER 2!