Spike's Scream Story:Chapter Two
After eating breakfast,Larry went outside to wait for the school bus. While he stood there,he thought to himself,"How can I just go to school and pretend that nothing's wrong?" Just then,the school bus pulled up,and he got on.
When he got to school,he noticed that the school's flag was at half mass on the pole. "Oh,great.", He thought. "Everyone knows what happened! Now everyone's going to be coming up to me and hugging me telling me how sorry they are all day long!" "I just wish they'd all leave me alone",he thought to himself as he noticed a group of kids gathering around him. One girl stepped forward from the crowd. It was Jodi's best friend Joyce Millner. Joyce looked up at Larry. Her eyes filled with tears. Without saying a word,she gave Larry a big hug. Before Larry could say anything to her,Joyce pushed him away,and ran off. "Wow,she's taking this worse than I am!",Larry thought to himself as he wandered into the school.
Later that day,during lunch,Larry overheard some girls talking about Jodi. "It's so sad what happened to Jodi.",said one girl. "Yeah,it's sad allright.",said another girl. Larry decided to sit next to Cathy Costanzo. She was his girlfriend before he met Jodi,but they were still friends. He slowly walked up to her and sat down. Cathy looked up at him and said,"Hi Larry,what's up?" "As if you didn't know.",he replied. "Well,excuuuse me for asking! I thought I could cheer you up a little.",Cathy snapped. "I'm sorry Cathy. Let's talk about something else.",said Larry,"So,how's volleyball going? Kicking butt this year?",he asked. Cathy smiled at him and said,"How about we go to a movie after school? My treat." Larry frowned. "Is that all you can say to me at a time like this? I just lost my girlfriend to some maniac,and all you can think about is trying to get me back! I've told you over and over that it's over between us." "Whatver",replied Cathy,"You can't blame a girl for trying!" "Just leave me alone,Ok?",Larry snapped. "See ya later,Cathy",said Larry as he got up and walked away. As he walked away,Cathy thought to herself,"One of these days,he will be mine again!"
On his way to class,Larry ran into his best friend Brett. Brett was one of the star players on the school's football team. Brett had a huge crush on Jodi,but never made a move on her because she was with Larry. Brett was walking down the hall staring at his feet as he went. "Hey Brett!",Larry called out. Brett slowly lifted his head,but didn't look Larry in the eye. "Hey man,how's it going?",Brett said sadly. Larry could tell that he was pretty upset. Larry wanted to try and cheer him up,but Brett just kept on walking. Larry decided to leave him alone,and continued to walk to class.
During class,Larry stared at the clock. He couldn't wait to get out of there. It was hard for him to concentrate with everyone around him staring at him,and saying how sorry they are. He especially didn't like being stared at by Brian Merkel. Brian was a big guy who played football. He liked to pick on Larry,as well as any other guy who happened to be smaller than him. The only reason he didn't beat Larry to a bloody pulp yet,was because Brett told him to lay off him. What hurt him the most,was seeing Jodi's empty chair right next to him.
Finally,it was 3:00 and school was out. It had been the longest day of Larry's life. As Larry headed for the door,Brian stood in front of him. "What do you want?",asked Larry,"Haven't I suffered enough?" Brian just grinned at him and said,"Just wanted to say how sorry I am about what happened." Larry looked confused. "Uhh..thanks Brian.",said Larry. "I just wanna know one thing",said Brian with an evil smile,"Are you sure she didn't kill herself after having slept with you?",Brian laughed. Larry clenched his fists,gritted his teeth,and said with authority,"Get out of my way." Brian stepped out of the way and said,"Don't threaten me,punk. Or you'll be as dead as your girlfriend!" Larry just ignored him,and walked out the door.
When Larry got home,his house was surrounded by news vans and reporters wanting to know anything and everything about what happened. "I can't deal with this!",thought Larry. I think I'll just go for a walk in the woods near his house.
As he was walking,he spotted his friend Kenny Morin. As soon as Kenny saw him,he ran to meet him. "Hey Larry!",called Kenny,"I heard what happened,and I just wanna say that I'm really sorry!" "Thanks Kenny!",Larry said back. "Look on the bright side,Larry! Now you're free to date my sister!",Kenny said with a grin. Larry frowned and replied,"Kenny,I've told you a thousand times,I'm not interested in your sister." "Fine,have it your way!",said Kenny sounding a bit annoyed. "Goodbye Kenny. I'm trying to take a walk here!",said Larry as he walked away from Kenny. "Ok. fine!",yelled Kenny,"I know when I'm not wanted. Just be careful. They haven't caught that killer yet you know!" "Yeah,I know.",yelled Larry back.
About 30 minutes later,Larry's feet began to get sore from walking so long. "Why did I wear these new shoes today?",he thought to himself as he tugged at them. As he tugged at his shoe,he heard a noise in the woods. "Who's there?",he called out. He got no reply,so he figured it was probably just a squirrel or something. When he started to walk again,he heard another noise. "Ok. Who's there? Answer me!",he shouted. Still,he got no reply. Fed up with hearing things,he decided to start walking back home.
A few minutes later,Larry heard the noises again. He decided to ignore the noise,and go on. The noises seemed to be getting closer to him. Larry stopped walking to listen to the noises. He was determined to figure out what that noise was. As he was looking around,someone in a Halloween costume jumped in front of him from out of a tree. Larry screamed as loud as he could. The person took the mask off. It was Kenny. "Kenny!",Larry shouted,"You big jerk! You scared me half to death!" Kenny stood in front of him and laughed. "You should've seen your face,Larry!",Kenny laughed,"I only wish I had my camera!" At this point,Larry was ready to beat the crap out of Kenny. "Get away from me before I strangle you!",Larry shouted. Kenny just laughed and replied,"Ooohhh I'm sooo scared!" Larry wasn't kidding around,and Kenny could tell that. "Ok. Ok. I'm leaving!",Kenny said with a smirk,"Just remember,be careful out here! These woods are full of wierdos!" Larry was fuming now. "Yeah,wierdos named Kenny! Now take a hike will ya?",Larry shouted. Kenny was already running away.
"What a jerk!",Larry thought as he continued to walk,"He'll be lucky if I ever speak to him again after this!" Larry was about 2 miles from home,when all of a sudden,a dark figure jumped on him from behind. Larry shouts,"GET OFF ME KENNY!! I'M WARNING YOU!!" The figure doesn't reply. Larry begins to wrestle with the stranger. He was sure it was Kenny. The person had the same costume on. Trying to break free from his grip,Larry knees the person in the crotch,but it has no effect. "Kenny,if you don't get off of me right now,I swear I'll kill you!",shouted Larry. The stranger overpowered him,and got him on his back. Larry began to get worried. "Ok. Kenny,you win allright? Now get off me will ya?",said Larry in a shaky voice. The stranger still didn't reply. He just pulled out a large hunting knife. Larry's eyes widened when he saw the knife. "Kenny! What are you doing?!",said Larry as he gasped.
Larry began to wonder if this even WAS Kenny. The stranger stabbed Larry with the knife. Larry began to struggle harder to break free. The stranger just kept stabbing him like crazy. Larry knew he was going to die. He could see his blood pouring all over the place. He decided he was going to find out who this freak was before he died. With his last ounce of strength,he reached up and pulled the stranger's mask off. "Oh,my God! It's YOU!!??",Larry shouted. The killer just grinned at him,and slit his throat.