Spike's Scream Story:Chapter 3
The first to be interviewed was Joyce Millner. She was clearly upset by what happened,and it wasn't helping her to have to talk about it to the cops. After about 10 minutes of waiting,a policeman walked in the room. "Hello miss Millner. Sorry about the wait. My name is Officer Williams. I'd like to ask you a few questions." Joyce nodded her head. "Take a seat miss Millner.",said Officer Williams. Joyce nervously sat down and took a deep breath to prepare for what was coming.
"I understand you knew the victims?",asked Officer Williams. "Yes,sir I did.",Joyce replied,"Jodi was my best friend." "Would you say you had a good relationship with her?",asked Officer Williams. "Yes,sir. We were very close. There's nothing I wouldn't have done for her.",Joyce said with tears in her eyes. Officer Williams could see it was hurting her to talk about her friend. "Ok. One last question,and you're free to go.",said Officer Williams,"Do you know of anyone who might have had a motive to kill Jodi and Larry?" Joyce shook her head. "I don't know why anyone would want to kill either one of them. They never got into trouble at school,and as far as I know,they didn't have any enemies.",said Joyce in a shaky voice. "Ok. miss Millner,thanks for coming. I'm very sorry about your loss.",said Officer Williams. "Thanks.",said Joyce as she walked out the door.
Officer Williams hit the intercom button on his telephone and said,"Send in the next kid."
A minute later,a tall,muscular guy with a buzz cut wearing a sports jacket and a backpack with one strap over his shoulder walked through the door. It was Brett. He was really nervous,but was trying to hide it. Officer Williams looked him over,and said,"Have a seat." Brett sat down,and waited to be questioned. Officer Williams was looking through the school yearbook. "I see you're quite a football player",said Officer Williams. "Yes,sir,I like to think so.",replied Brett nervously. "Did you know the victims?",asked Officer Williams. "Yes,sir,I knew them.",said Brett. "Would you say you had a good relationship with them?",asked Officer Williams. "Yes,sir. Larry was my best friend.",replied Brett. "And what about Jodi?",asked Officer Williams. "Yes,sir,I was also friends with Jodi. I really liked her. I wish I could've gotten to know her better.",replied Brett while looking down at the floor. Officer Williams could tell he was nervous. "OK Brett,one last queston,and you're free to go.",said Officer Williams,"Do you know of anyone who might have had a motive to kill Jodi and Larry?" Brett looked him in the eye and said,"No sir. I don't know of anyone who would want to kill either one of them." Officer Williams was clearly not buying his story,but decided to interview the others before making a positive decision on who to keep there. "O.k. Kid,thanks for coming. Please go back in the waiting room. I might need to ask you a few more questions later.",said Officer Williams,and leave that backpack here with me. I want to take a look at it." "My backpack? Why?",Brett was clearly getting worried. "Ummm...o.k....",said Brett nervously,"You umm..you don't think it's ME,do you?? Cause it's not me. I didn't kill anyone.",said Brett. Officer Williams just smiled at him and said,"Don't worry Kid,if you didn't do it,you have nothing to worry about." Brett set the backpack on the floor,put his hands in his pockets,and slowly walked out the door.
Officer Williams hit the intercom button on his telephone and said,"Send in the next kid."
A minute later,in walked a tall,skinny boy with a bowl cut. It was Kenny. "Have a seat,son", said Officer Williams. Kenny nervously sat down. "So,I hear you were the last person to see Larry alive. Is this correct?",asked Officer Williams. "Yes,sir, as far as I know,I was the last to see Larry before he died.",replied Kenny. "What was the last thing Larry said to you?",asked Officer Williams. Kenny didn't want to tell him,but he knew he had to. He took a deep breath before answering. "Well,sir,Larry was taking a walk in the woods. I was in the woods as well,and I saw him. I decided to play a trick on him. I thought maybe I could cheer him up.",said Kenny. "What did you do?",asked Officer Williams. Kenny hesitated before answering. "Well,I sorta put on a Father Death costume, and I jumped on Larry from out of a tree...",Kenny replied nervously. Officer Williams gave him a stern look,and said,"Why on earth would you do a crazy thing like that?!" Kenny got tears in his eyes. "It was just a joke,sir! I swear I didn't mean any harm! I didn't kill him! Honest,I didn't!",said Kenny while wiping tears from his eyes. "Well,do you have any idea who DID kill him?",asked Officer Williams. Kenny tried to regain his composure,and replied, "No,sir. I don't. After Larry yelled at me for my prank,I went home." "Did you hear or see anyone else in the woods besides Larry?",asked Officer Williams. "No,sir.",Kenny replied. "O.k.,kid,you're free to go.",said Officer Williams. Kenny let out a sigh of relief,and said,"Thank you,sir." as he walked out the door.
Officer Williams hit the intercom button on his telephone and said,"Send in the next kid."
A minute later,a tall,heavy set boy with messy hair walked in. It was Brian. He clearly had a bad attitude about having to be there. Officer Williams looked him over,and said,"Sit down,please." Brian gave him a dirty look,and sat down. "Do you have a problem,son?",asked Officer Williams. Brian looked at him in the eye and said,"Yeah. I don't wanna be here! I didn't kill the little twerp! And I wouldn't touch his girl with a 10 foot pole." Officer Williams gave him a long, hard,look and said,"While you're here,you WILL be respectful to me and the other people here. If you choose not to be,I'll lock you up so fast your head will spin! Is that clear,tough guy?" Brian gulped and said,"Yes,sir." "That's more like it.", said Officer Williams,"Now,I hear that you and Larry didn't exactly get along. Is this true?" Brian rolled his eyes and replied,"Yeah,you might say that. I've wanted to pound him for years,but Brett wouldn't let me."
"Why would you want to pound him so badly?",asked Officer Williams. "I just didn't like him. He got on my nerves.",replied Brian. "I see.", said Officer Williams,"Do you know of anyone who might've had a motive to kill Jodi and Larry?" Brian thought for a moment,and replied,"No,Sir. I didn't care enough to get to know him,or any of his friends...except for Brett. I know him from the football team.",said Brian. "O.k. kid,thanks for coming. please go back to the waiting room. I may have more questions for you later.", said Officer Williams. Brian got up and left without so much as a goodbye. "What a cocky little jerk!",thought Officer Williams.
Officer Williams hit the intercom button on his telephone and said,"Send in the next kid."
Less than a minute later,in walked a short,brown haired girl wearing a backpack. It was Cathy."Please,have a seat.",said Officer Williams. Cathy smiled at him,and took a seat. "My,my,if I had known the officer interviewing me was going to be so cute,I'd have dressed up.",said Cathy with a smile. Officer Williams wasn't buying it. He just ignored her comment,and went on to business. "I understand you knew both of the victims?",asked Officer Williams. Cathy smiled and said,"Yes,sir. I knew both of them. I used to date Larry...until he met Jodi.",she said with a frown. "I take it you weren't a friend of Jodi's?", asked Officer Williams. Cathy looked at him and said,"Of course we were friends. I don't have any enemies." "Well,that's nice to know.",said Officer Williams. "Do you know of anyone who WAS an enemy of either victim?",asked Officer Williams. Cathy thought about this for a moment,and replied,"Hmmmm...you know,I think Brett had something against Larry for some reason. He had a big crush on Jodi you know.",said Cathy with a smile. Officer Williams looked at her for a few seconds,and said,"Are you trying to tell me you think Brett killed them?" Cathy gave him a sly grin and said,"Well,you never know. It could be anyone." "Even you,perhaps?",asked Officer Williams. Cathy looked surprised at this question. She thought for a moment,and replied,"Well,I suppose I am one of the suspects,but I didn't do it." Officer Williams looked at Cathy for a minute,and considered what to say next. "Would you mind if I took a look in your backpack?",asked Officer Williams. Cathy's eyes widened. "What for? Why do you want to look in my backpack?" "I noticed that Brett had a backpack just like yours. I just wondered what was so important in there that you'd want to bring it along to the police station.",said Officer Williams. "Well...you can look at it if you want...but there's nothing in there that is suspicious.",said Cathy,looking a bit nervous. "Then you have nothing to worry about,do you?",said Officer Williams. Cathy rolled her eyes,and slowly handed Officer Williams the backpack.
Officer Williams hit the intercom button on his telephone and said,"Send Brett back in here."
A minute later,Brett walked in the door. Brett looked up at Officer Williams and said,"What's SHE doing here?" "She's here for the same reason you are Brett.", replied Officer Williams. Brett looked confused. "Just sit down,please Brett.", said Officer Williams. Brett sat down next to Cathy. Cathy smiled at Brett after he sat down. Brett just ignored her,and stared at the floor.
Officer Williams put both backpacks on his desk in front of Cathy and Brett. "Before I went through the contests of these backpacks,I wanted both of you to be here,in case I had any questions.",said Officer Williams. "Good idea,sir.", said Cathy with a grin. Brett looked at Cathy and muttered under his breath,"You kiss up." "I think I'll start with your backpack,Cathy.",said Officer Williams. He unzipped it,and dumped the contents out on his desk. A history book,spiral notebook,a few folders with homework in them,and a hair brush fell out. Officer Williams looked puzzled. Cathy smiled at him,and said,"Anything suspicious in there,sir?" Officer Williams just put the stuff back into the backpack,and said nothing. "Now for your backpack,Brett.",said Officer Williams. He unzipped it,and emptied the contents out on his desk. Officer Williams got a smile on his face and said,"What have we here?" A Father Death costume fell out of the backpack,along with a science book,and some papers with notes scribbled on them. Brett looked surprised,"That...that stuff isn't mine!",he yelled. Officer Williams looked at the papers out of the backpack. "Hmmmm....pretty dark poetry there Brett.",said Officer Williams,"My soulmate was taken from me. I will have my revenge. We are ment to be. My love belongs to me. If I can't have them back,no one will have them. We were meant to be." Brett was puzzled. "I didn't write that! I've never written a poem in my life!",said Brett. Cathy smiled and said, "Sure you have,Brett." Brett was getting upset. "That's not even MY handwriting!",he yelled. "That's WAY too neat to be MY handwriting! Ask ANY of my teachers!",said Brett. Officer Williams examined the Father Death mask very closely. "Hmmm...what have we here?",said Officer Williams as he pulled out a hair from inside the mask. Brett stood up and said,"Now THAT is NOT my hair! My hair is buzzed,and HAS BEEN like this for a year!" Officer Williams calmly put the hair in a clear plastic bag. "hmmm...I wonder..",thought Officer Williams as he took out Cathy's hair brush. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?",yelled Cathy. "Just sit down,and be quiet.",said Officer Williams. Officer Williams compared the strand of hair in the bag to a hair from Cathy's brush. "Hmmm...looks like a match to me.",said Officer Williams,"I'll have to run a DNA test for a positive ID,unless you want to confess something to me,Cathy?" Cathy got an evil look on her face,and said,"I'm NOT confessing ANYTHING!" Then,she grabbed her backpack,and pulled a knife out of one of the back pockets. Cathy screamed,then started to attack Officer Williams. Brett tackled her to the floor. She stabbed him a couple of times. Brett hit her,and took the knife while she was temporarily dazed. Five policemen rushed in the office,handcuffed Cathy,and took her away. As they drug her out,Cathy screamed, "I'll get you for this,Brett!!!" Officer Williams looked at Brett,and said,"Thanks,Kid,I owe you one." Brett smiled,and said,"Take me to the hospital,and we'll call it even." "You got it,kid",said Officer Williams with a smile.
--End Of Chapter 3
Did you enjoy the story? I hope so! If you really liked it,then please take a minute to E Mail this guy and tell him my story did NOT suck!! Thanks!! =:o)