
The Scream Story Sequel (Chapter 4) Written by SpikeŽ and Brandon

It had been almost a year since the brutal killings by Cathy. Officer Williams recovered pretty quickly to his injuries. He was now walking down Pine road. It was night out and a slight spring breeze made the Officer pull his jacket a little tighter. Williams know had a bench job at the station just answering calls and writing out reports. He thought several times about quitting put decided against it,was not a quitter and didn’t want anyone to think he was. As Williams turned the corner onto Elm street a young girl came running out. The girl seemed to be about 19 and appeared as though she was beaten. "What’s the matter?" Williams asked. "Someone is chasing me!" the girl replied while tears came down her face. "Don’t worry",he said "Go to the payphone and call the police." "Okay",the girl cried running off. Even though he had a bench job Williams always carried a gun. "Better safe than sorry",he thought as he took out his gun. Williams walked down the dark street.

It seemed like all the streetlights had been smashed. Williams looked in the dark,but found no trace of any foul play save for the lights. Williams walked over to the dumpsters. From behind one of the dumpsters someone wearing a Father Death costume jumped out holding a knife. "Don’t move!",he yelled as he held his gun to the masked person. The person kept on moving. Williams tried to shoot but his hand was shaking,so he might send a stray bullet flying. The Father Death person raised the knife. Williams pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the dumpster. Father Death stabbed Williams in the stomach causing him to drop his gun. Williams was stabbed another time in the chest. He fell over thinking that this time he would not recover. He was right. The figure stabbed him a final time. He could feel his life slowly drain away until it was gone.

On To Chapter 5!