
The Scream Story Sequel (Chapter 5) Written by SpikeŽ and Brandon

Brett was asleep in his bed at eight o’clock in the morning. He had not heard of his friend’s death yet. Brett had now earned a job as a short story writer for a nearby horror and science-fiction magazine. Brett woke up to a ringing telephone. He grabbed the phone and held it to his ear. "Hello?",said Brett. "Good morning honey",replied a female voice. It was his girlfriend Brandy. The two of them had been going out together for four months. They met in a chat room and then found out that they lived on the same street."So what’s up?",asked Brett. "Remember your friend Officer Willams?",asked Brandy. "Yeah",replied Brett. "He was found dead last night.",said Brandy. "Oh my God! What happened?",said Brett. "He was stabbed to death around midnight.",said Brandy. "I can’t believe it!",said Brett trying to hold in his emotions. "Are you going to be okay?",asked Brandy sensing that he was upset. "Yeah I think so.",said Brett trying to sound strong. "Want me to come over?",asked Brandy in a concerned tone. "Sure.",said Brett. "OK I be right over.",said Brandy. "Bye",said Brett. "Bye",said Brandy as she hung up the phone. Brett put down the phone still in disbelief. A close friend had died,worse then that he was murdered. Brett couldn’t help but think about the first time a friend of his had died. It was a kid in his second grade class who drowned. He remembered the day the principal came into the classroom and told them the bad news. Then,he thought about Larry and Jodi. He almost started to cry,but stopped himself. "Get a grip on yourself!",he thought.Brett got dressed and went downstairs. He made himself some breakfast and then Brandy pulled into the driveway. As soon as he saw her,Brett felt a little bit better.

As Cathy sat in her lonely cell,she began to wonder what she was doing there. Why had she killed them? What drove her to do such a thing? The answer of course,is insanity. Her thoughts are interrupted as a nurse opens the door to her cell.
"Time for your pills.",said the nurse. Cathy looked at the nurse in the eyes,and said in a sarcastic tone,"Oh,thank you so much! I was so looking forward to taking more freaking pills! I was worried you might have forgotten,and I'd have to go all day without choking down another set of pills!" The nurse just rolled her eyes and said,"Cathy,must we go through this routine EVERY DAY?" Cathy smiled and said,"Not for much longer! I'm outta here as of next week!" "That is assuming you can convince the judge you're all better.",said the nurse. "No problem",replied Cathy with a grin.

Brandy slowly got out of her car,unsure of what to say once she saw Brett. Brett came running outside to meet her. Brandy could tell he was upset,so she gave him a big hug and kiss. "It's ok,Brett.",said Brandy trying to comfort him. "Have you seen the paper?",asked Brett. "Not yet",replied Brandy. "Cathy is going back to court next week.",said Brett,"There's a chance she could go free.",he said in a quiet voice. "You mean that crazy girl who tried to kill you?",asked Brandy. "The same.",said Brett. "She also killed 2 of my best friends.",said Brett trying to hold back the tears. "It'll be ok,Brett",said Brandy,"If she killed 2 people,there's no way they'll let her go free!" "I hope you're right",said Brett,"What I don't understand,is if Cathy is still in the mental hospital,then who killed Officer Williams?" "I don't know,but I'm sure they'll catch whoever did it.",said Brandy.

On To Chapter 6!