
The Scream Story Sequel (Chapter 6) Written by SpikeŽ and Brandon

Brett walked back into his house and called work. After the secong ring,Tom,Brett’s friend co-worker answered. "Hello",Tom answered. "Hey Tom,it’s me.",said Brett in a quiet voice. "What’s up Brett?",said Tom a little concerned. "I’m going to have to take the day off.",said Brett. "Is something wrong?",asked Tom,already knowing the answer. "I’d rather not talk about it.",said Brett. "Okay then. See you later.",said Tom. "Bye",said Brett. Brett hung up the phone. He was going to go over Brandy’s house for a while and try to forget about it for a while.

Brandy lived with her older brother Ray. Brandy’s parents died three years ago in a car crash and since then she had lived with her brother. Brett and Brandy walked in together. Ray was at the kitchen table eating dry toast and reading the paper. He looked up as soon as the two of them walked in. "I’m really sorry,Brett." Ray said. "Thanks",said Brett. Ray took at seat at the table. "I’m going to make some coffee. Want some?" Brandy asked. "Sure.",said Brett. As Brandy made the coffee,Brett was silently thinking. "What if it’s a copycat killer?",he asked. "What?",asked Brandy. "I mean,what if some screwball read the paper,found out about the murders,and then decided to go out and do the same thing?",said Brett. "Now why would they copycat someone who only killed two people?",asked Brandy trying to calm him down. "I don’t’s just a thought.",said Brett. "Try and relax,Brett.",Ray said calmly,"They'll catch whoever did it."

In her lonely white cell,Cathy sat waiting for a day when she could feel the sun across her face again. For nearly a year,she'd been stuck in there with nothing else to do but listen to the many voices in her head. "I don’t belong in this place!",she thought,"I’m not nuts! I did what I had to do." She began to pace around her cell screaming loudly in an attempt to quiet the voices in her head. "The little whore Jodi stole your boyfriend off of you, and you had to get him back.",said one of them. "Stealing him away wasn't enough for HER,was it Cathy?",said another one, "That little slut brainwashed him too,didn't she? She brainwashed YOUR man into thinking she was better than you!" "Larry should've been YOURS.",said another voice. She began to pound her forehead. "SHUT UP!",she shouted. "I need to clear my head.",she thought. She looked out her small window. Mr.Siew,along with several others,stood outside the hospital picketting the possible release of Cathy. "Look at them. They're all against you.",said a voice. "It felt so good to cut off Jodi Siew’s head. She had it coming to her!",she thought. "Wait!",she thought," wasn’t good..that would be the talk of a crazy person!" She didn’t belong in this hospital where people pulled out their hair and talked backwards. "Hospital,ha!",she laughed,"This isn’t a is like a cage,we're all trapped in here." "You don’t belong with the rest of these wild animals.",said a voice. "You're right,I don't belong here!",she yelled. "Calm down.",said a voice,"You only have to wait till Monday,and then you'll be free." "Free",she thought,"Free of the cage,and free to do whatever I want."

Monday came around fast for some people,but not for Cathy. This was it. She had to prove that she was all better to the judge. It was time for this little actor to put on her show.

Monday came around slow for Brett too. He mourned the death for the weekend. Not once did he feel any better. Not only was he mourning the death,but he also was axnious wating for the result of Cathy’s hearing. That would be today in just a few hours. A killer maybe on the street. Brett thought about going to work to get his mind off things,but decided against it. How could he write stories of people dying when it was happing to him in real life? If Cathy was loose,how many more people would die,how much more blood would be shed? The whole idea just gave him a headache.

On To Chapter 7