
The Scream Story Sequel (Chapter 7) Written by SpikeŽ and Brandon

It was noon when Brett sat down on the couch to watch some TV. He thought he would try and get his mind off all that was going on. The first thing he did was put on the news. He saw the newscaster come. "Cathy Costanzo was released from prison only a few hours ago." A terrible feeling swept over Brett. He couldn’t believe it. A murderer was free. He tried to get up,but he was dizzy. He sat back down feeling as though he was in a dream. "It’s a dream",he thought,"It’s still Sunday night. I’m in my bed. Cathy is still in jail,and she won’t be released." "Wake up!!",he ordered himself. This had to be a terrible dream,a nightmare,this just wasn’t true. He knew this was his worst nightmare, his hell brought to life.

Tom was at the magazine’s office. He just finished writing another story. He stopped for a second and thought about Cathy. He felt sorry for Brett. Tom knew Brett was strong but not that strong. Tom printed the story when he heard a noise. It was the elevator. Tom turned around to see who was coming. The elevator was open but who ever was in there was gone. Tom turned around and walked up and down each row of cubicles. Nobody was there. Tom turned around,and saw the person’s back. Tom reached onto one of the desks and took a letter opener. He walked closer to the person and held the letter opener. "Don’t move!",he said. The person turned around. Tom raised the letter opener,but stopped as he saw the person. It was Brett. "What are you doing here?",asked Tom. "I came to pick up my check.",said Brett. "You scared me half to death!",said Tom. "Calm down!",said Brett. "Okay your check is in your desk.",said Tom.

Tom walked over to his office to get his story. As he walked in he could tell something was out of place. He walked near his desk. Nothing out of place. Tom walked to his closet. He opened it and saw a knife ram into his chest. He fell back onto the floor. As he looked up,he saw Cathy smiling at him. "If you survive,tell Brett his time will come soon.",said Cathy. Then,she ran out of the room,undetected by anyone else.

Brett got his check,and came out of his office. "See ya later,Tom!",he yelled. Brett waited to hear a reply from Tom,but he heard nothing. "Tom?",said Brett, "Did you hear me? I said I'll see ya later!" Still no reply. Brett decided to go into Tom's office to see what was wrong. He knocked on the door. No answer. Brett tried to open the door,but something was blocking it. Brett pushed the door open and walked in to find Tom's body on the floor. Brett's face became pale. "Oh,my God!",he shouted. "Tom! Tom! Speak to me!",yelled Brett as he checked for a pulse. A thousand thoughts rushed through his head as he looked at Tom's body. "I've got to call the cops!",said Brett.

He heard someone coming from the other room. "Oh,no! That could be the killer!",he thought. Brett pulled the knife out of Tom's chest and stood behind the door,waiting to see who was coming. "If that's the killer,I'm gonna be ready!",he thought. He heard the footsteps draw closer. He slowly raised the knife. When the person got to the door,Brett jumped out from behind the door and yelled,"STAND BACK!" The person at the door was Rebecca Jefferies. His boss. Rebecca screamed,and jumped back when she saw Brett. "What in the world are you doing Brett?!!",shouted Rebecca. Brett looked at her for a minute,and wondered if maybe SHE was the one who killed Tom,and not Cathy. He lowered the knife,but didn't release his grip on it. "I came to get my pay check.",said Brett,"What are YOU doing here?" "I'm getting ready to lock up and go home.",said Rebecca, "Where's Tom? Did he finish the story yet?" Brett saw in her eyes that she really didn't know what happened. "Someone broke in here today.",said Brett quietly. "Oh,great!",said Rebecca with a sigh,"What did they take? I suppose they cleaned out the entire..." Before she could finish her sentence,she spotted Tom's dead body. She took a few steps back,then looked at Brett and said,"Call the police."

On to Chapter 8