The Scream Story Sequel (Chapter 8) Written by SpikeŽ and Brandon
Two hours later,the cops have come and gone,and Brett is about to go home. Rebecca is still a bit shaken up over what happened. Brett offers her a cup of coffee. "No,thank you,Brett.",said Rebecca,"I don't need anything else to keep me awake tonight." "I'm really sorry for jumping at you with that knife before",said Brett. "It's ok.",said Rebecca,"I understand why you did it." Brett looks at his watch and says,"I really should get going. Are you going to be ok here by yourself?" "I'll be fine,Brett. I have to get this story done tonight. I have a deadline to meet you know.",said Rebecca. "OK.",said Brett,"Take care of yourself. I'll see ya later." "See ya,Brett.",said Rebecca as she sat down at her desk to start her work.
About 15 minutes after Brett left,Rebecca started to get paranoid over every little noise she heard around the office. "Get a grip,Rebecca!",she told herself, "That killer is long gone now. They wouldn't be hanging around the crime scene for long!" She started to think about the other murders,and how they let Cathy go free. Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the elevator doors opening. Rebecca was frozen in her seat. "Who...who's there?",she asked in a shaky voice. " Brett?",she asked. No answer. She turned around. No one is there. She decides she is just imagining things,and goes back to work.
A couple minutes later,she hears another noise. She turns around to see....nothing. "Who's there?",she asked again. "Show yourself!",she yelled. Still,no one is in sight. She slowly turns around and goes back to work,when she hears another noise right behind her. She starts to cry. "Please...whoever you are..just go away!",she said while wiping smeared makeup out of her eyes,"Please go away!"
There is another noise right behind her. She has a feeling she shouldn't turn around again,but she does. There,standing behind her holding a large bloodstained hunting knife,is a ghost masked figure. Rebecca screams at the top of her lungs. The figure just stands there as if they're enjoying the sight of Rebecca freaking out. "Please don't kill me!!",Rebecca sobbed. "I'll do anything you say!",she cried,"What do you want?" Rebecca could barely see or talk because she was crying so hard. Rebecca took a deep breath and shouted,"Please tell me what you want from me!! I'll do anything!" The figure raised the knife,and stabbed her in the stomach. She could feel the blood rushing out of her as she put her hand over the wound. "Oh,my God! No! Please no!",shouted Rebecca. The figure stabbed her again. Rebecca could feel the life begin to drain out of her. She decided to try and run for it. Rebecca could barely see where she was going through her tears. The figure chased after her,knocked her down,and got on top of her so she couldn't get away again.
Rebecca knew this was it for her. "Will you at least tell me who you are before you kill me?",she cried. The figure stopped for a second to think it over,and then took off the mask. It was Cathy. "It's YOU!!",cried Rebecca. Cathy smiled at her. "Yes,it's me...the one and only!",said Cathy proudly. "Why are you doing this?",asked Rebecca. Cathy gave her a devilish grin and said,"Why?? Why you ask? Because I CAN that's why! Enough questions,I believe it's time for you to go now! Give my regards to Tom!" Then,Cathy stabbed Rebecca a final time. This time,right through the heart. Rebecca saw everything fade to black.