Scream 3 News Page

I got this info from a Scream mailing list

The Dark Horizons site reported that Neve Campbell told the Calgary Sun newspaper that she doesn't want to become typecast as a horror actress. That's the first published article that confirms the rumors of Campbell being wary of starring in a third Scream. Rumors say that Charisma Carpenter (who plays Cordelia on Buffy the Vampire Slayer) may be cast as one of the new supporting characters, a bitchy horror movie actress that gets caught up in all the new murder mayhem. Courteney Cox has already signed to do Scream 3. Actress Christie Clark apperantly is interested in starring in Scream 3. She became interested after talking with Kevin Williamson at the premiere of I Know What You Did Last Summer.

The writer of the Screams, Kevin Williamson took part in an interview from the Halloween: The Official Web Site about Halloween 7 and also commented on Scream 3. "I just agreed this week to start writing it. We just struck my deal, so I guess the other deals are starting to follow. I'll be done in April, I'm guessing. We're planning on a December (1999) release." When asked about Neve Campbell's return he said; "Well, I guess she needs to wait to see if she has a character. If she doesn't want to be in it, then we'll write it without her. The good thing about Scream 3 is I've got three plans. There's the Sid version, the Sid-less version, and....the bottom line is the story itself doesn't rely so much on her character.". And the third version? "(Smiling) I can't say. It's not so much about Sidney anymore. It's about the world that was created with "Stab." The story itself thematically works, regardless of who is in it."

Source of the information here is the Scream Fan Club newsletters

Info on Scream 3


Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, David Arquette, Leiv Shreiber, and Duane Martin, some new cast members might be Ben Affleck (Phantoms) Charisma Carpenter (Buffy), Mark Vaughan (Species 2).


Jennifer Connely from Dark City might pull a Drew/Jada in the opening scene. Wes might direct the film.
Randy Meeks (Jamie Kennedy) was asked on AOL Live if he would be in SCREAM 3, He simply replied "yes". Is he joking or not? We will find out soon,I hope. Rose McGowan may have a cameo.

Possible STAB 2 Cast Members:

[Based on Cotton Weary's "The Ghostface Murders"]
Teri Hatcher (Gale Weathers)
Alicia Silverstone (Cici Cooper)
Christopher Walken (Cotton Weary)

Possible SCREAM 3 Cast:

Ben Affleck ("Good Will Hunting")
Fairuza Balk ("The Craft")
David Boreanaz ("Buffy, The Vampire Slayer")
Charisma Carpenter ("Buffy, The Vampire Slayer")
Claudia Chapel ("Armageddon" & "6 Days, 7 Nights")
Jennifer Connelly ("Dark City")
Jacob King
Leslie Montgomery ("The Real Blonde")
Jonathan Taylor Thomas ("Home Improvement")
Rachel True ("The Craft")
Liv Tyler ("Armageddon")
Mark Vaughan ("The Boxer")

The Scream 3 Plot:

SCREAM 3 is set one year after SCREAM 2 when Sidney quits college and goes to Hollywood to become a movie actress. Sidney's first role will be in a horror film directed by Wes Craven -- this was confirmed by Wes Craven on a radio show. Dewey will be confined to a wheelchair and possibly married to Gale. Gale Weathers and Joel will be down on her luck as Cotton Weary enjoys his fame as the new author of "The Ghostface Murders".

Scream 3 News:

MATTHEW LILLARD (Stu) will NOT be making an appearance in SCREAM 3 as Stu's never-before-mentioned twin brother out for revenge -- this was confirmed by Wes Craven. Possible Taglines for SCREAM 3 are: "Someone has taken their love of trilogies a bit too far" or "Someone has taken their love of courtroom thrillers a bit too far. Solving this case is going to be murder".

In her $16 million SCREAM 3 contract, NEVE CAMPBELL has a clause that states her character will be killed off so that she doesn't have to appear in any future sequels.

That's all I know for now! Keep checking back for new information!