
The Scream Story Sequel (Chapter 11) Written by SpikeŽ and Brandon

Joyce Millner was asleep. She tossed and turned,but did not wake up. It was not until the sun shone through her window that she woke up. Even then she just opened her eyes. She didn't want to wake up. She wanted to stay in bed all day. Her nice comfy bed, surrounded by pillows. It was Friday morning though. She had to wake up. She had to go to classes. Joyce pulled herself away from the bed,and put on a robe over her pajamas. She went out to the kitchen. Her roommate Amy was busy making coffee.

"You made coffee?",Joyce asked. "Yes",Amy answered,"Don't look so shocked." "Thank God!",said Joyce,"I can't seem to wake up today!" Joyce yawned and rubbed her eyes as made herself a cup of coffee. She put in her cream and sugar, then took a sip. "So,how are you Amy?",asked Joyce. "Very good,thanks.",replied Amy.

Joyce took and shower and got dressed. She grabbed her books and walked out of her dorm. On her way across campus,Joyce ran into her boyfriend Jake. "Hello Jake.",she said. Jake smiled when he saw her. "Good morning,beautiful!",he said. "We'd better be off to class.",said Joyce. "Yeah.",said Jake,"I can't afford to be late again." "Me neither.",said Joyce. "Well,I'll see ya after class!",said Jake. Jake gave her a quick kiss goodbye, and went to class.

Joyce ran all the way school and into her classroom. She took her seat and put her books on the desk. Professor Jones was in the front of class, sitting at his desk. Kenny Morin turned to Joyce. He sat next to her and was one of her better friends. "Good morning,Joyce!" he said to her. "Hello Kenny,how are you?",replied Joyce. Kenny smiled. "And how are we this morning?",asked Kenny. "I'm fine",said Joyce,"Just a bit sleepy still." She could tell that Kenny liked her. He was always like this. Joyce tried to act like she didn't notice the attraction because she didn't want to hurt Kenny's feelings. Suddenly,a loud voice broke the silence. "Ok,lets start class" came the booming voice of Professor Jones. The kids turned around and faced the Professor.

During lunch,Joyce sat next to Jake. Amy and her boyfriend Roger were there too. The lunch was good that day. Pizza was served. It was served every Friday. Along with the pizza there was potato chips, and a piece of cake. After she got her food,Joyce went to a vending machine and got a Pepsi. Now she sat down next to Jake. Across from her was Amy who was sitting next to Roger. "Hey Joyce,Are you going to the party tonight?",asked Amy. "Yeah,why not?",answered Joyce,"You still want to go,don't you Jake?" Jake smiled. "Of course I want to go! You know me,wherever there's a party,I'm there!" Kenny got his food and went looking for a place to sit. He saw Joyce and her friends across the room. He decided to sit with them. Kenny sat down at the table with his tray. "Hi guys!",he said,"Is it okay if I sit with you?" Joyce smiled and said,"Of course,Kenny! Don't you sit with us EVERY day?" Kenny thought for a second and replied,"Umm..yeah,I guess I do! So,how's the pizza today?",Kenny asked. "It's the same as it is every week.",said Jake. Jake could tell Kenny liked Joyce,and he wanted to make sure Kenny knew that Joyce was with him. Jake put his arm around Joyce. Kenny's girlfriend Sue sat down next to him. "Hi there,stranger!",said Sue. Kenny smiled and said,"Hey Sue,glad you could make it!" Joyce knew Kenny was more interested in her. She wondered why he had Sue around. "So",said Kenny,"Are y'all gonna be at the big party tonight?" "You know we will!",they all answered in unison.

On To Chapter 12!