The Scream Story Sequel (Chapter 12) Written by Spike® and Brandon
The party started at eight. Joyce felt good. Being at the party erased her bad feelings. Professor Jones had given an exam today and Joyce was afraid she failed. She knew she should have stayed in bed. Its not that she didn't study,she studied hard last night. But that didn't matter now. As soon as she heard the music,the worries just melted away. She danced with Jake as Austin and Jeff Cutler walked up to them. They were the brothers that were throwing the party. "So how's the party?",asked Austin. "Very good",said Joyce. "Good! We're glad you're enjoying yourself.",said Jeff. "You deserve it,Joyce!",said Austin. We’ll see you later",said Jeff. The brothers walked away as Joyce and Jake went back to their dancing.
Professor Jones walked down the dark halls of the college. He left his grade book here and didn’t want to wait until Monday to get it. Plus he gave a history exam,and wanted to mark down the grades. Professor Jones came to his door and stopped. He turned and took out his keys. He opened the door and stepped inside. The room was dark too. What little light the moon did make came in through the windows. Professor Jones felt for the light switch on the wall. He found it and switched on the light. Professor Jones then walked towards his desk. He looked on the top of his desk. Not there. He went through the drawers. Not in the first one. He looked through the middle one. There it was. He grabbed the grade book and shut the drawer. He went to the light switch and shut off the lights. Then he went out the door. He let the door close,and he took out his keys. He sorted through them and found the key he was looking for. He went to put the key in the lock but dropped them. He bent down to pick them up. When he got back up a man was standing next to him. Well he though it was a man. He couldn’t tell. The person had on a costume and a mask. The mask covered their face. The mask was white. It was a ghost. It’s mouth was frozen in a scream or laugh. The costume was black. It was down to the person’s feet. Professor Jones now noticed that the person was holding a knife. It was a long hunting knife. The person flung it into the Professor’s stomach. Jones let go of his grade book. The pain was horrible. It was as though some one had light his stomach on fire. Professor Jones fell onto the floor. His head hit the hard tile. Jones looked down at his stomach. The person removed the knife and stabbed him again. Professor Jones screamed. The person removed the knife and stabbed him again. Jones looked into the person’s eyes. The eyes that he could see through the mask. They showed no emotion. They were blank. They were like a machine. Professor Jones saw the knife leave his wounds once more. It was plunged deep within his chest. He tried to scream,but no sound came out. No scream escaped his lips. He felt the life slowly drain from him. He knew the end was near. There was nothing he could do. At least it would be over soon. He reached up to try and grab the mask off the killer,but they backed away from his dying body before he could do it. He managed to utter the words,"Why me?" before he closed his eyes and took his last breath. The killer stayed long enough to watch him die,and stuff his lifeless body in the closet.